Friday, June 12, 2009

The Best Defense For a Bioterrorist Attack? Knowledge

Perhaps the best way we can prepare for a potential bioterrorist attack is to arm ourselves with knowledge and make ourselves aware of all the possibilities of and risks associated with bioterrorism. In some cases, when a person is exposed to a bioterrorism agent, the symptoms may not appear for sometime, which means that person could expose several other people to the agent without even realizing something was wrong with them. This makes the spread of a bioterrorist attack extremely difficult to predict and control. Websites such as and provide a copious amount of information about how to respond to a percieved bioterrorist attack. If you suspect you have been exposed to a bioterrorist agent, the best thing to do would be to call the Center for Disease Control and go into quarantine so as not to expose the hazard to others.

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